We strive to provide software services you can trust.

Welcome to our trust centre. Getting legal and compliance right is an important part of that. We believe that understandable terms, policies or legal notices help to ensure a common understanding and are the foundation of a mutually beneficial relationship. In order to build trust, we want our policies on certain important issues to be clear.

Our relationship with you

These legal notices describe and apply to the relationship between you and us. We have drafted them to relate specifically to the services we provide.

  • Customer Relationship Terms relating to services that we provide to our clients.
  • Software as a Service Agreement Terms setting out the service levels that apply to our programmes and software services.
  • Complaints Procedure to complain about the service you have received.
  • Security Policy relating to safeguarding our website and your personal information.
  • Data Protection Agreement Terms setting out how we process data.

Together with the relevant written estimate, quote, proposal, engagement letter, scope and specification analysis, development service order or invoice, it makes up the written agreement or contract between us. These legal notices apply to any instruction you give us as our client and to the services we provide to you. When you accept our quotes or estimates you agree to our terms.

The wording is as follows – “Our terms will apply to our products and services and are

i. Accessible (so that they may be read, stored and retrieved) from the footer of our website or through our trust-centre or

ii. Available on request from us.

By accepting our quotes or estimates, you agree to our terms”. When you register for one of our software solutions you agree to our terms and privacy policy at the bottom of the page.

We may add to or change these legal notices in a written estimate, quote, proposal, engagement letter or invoice, even if it does not mention these legal notices. Any change must be in writing and signed by us or be posted on our website to be effective. You accept the latest version of these legal notices by instructing us or receiving services from us.

We're ethical

We pride ourselves on being ethical members of the profession. We abide by both our own code and the laws and acts that are developed by our governing body. Honesty and integrity are non-negotiable.

Our corporate information

Find out more about Umbani Software on our about us page. Currently we have a remote working model with our head office at 39 Miles Sharp Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501.

Privacy and data protection at Umbani Software is important

We take our obligations under data protection laws (like the GDPR and POPIA) seriously and continually strive to meet our regulatory obligations. We strive to process personal data lawfully in accordance with applicable principles and conditions. We process some personal data about our clients as a controller (responsible party) when we provide software services to them. Our privacy policy sets out how we process your personal information. We process personal data regarding our clients’ as data subjects on behalf of our clients. We are therefore often a processor (or operator) for our clients. For this reason, we have a data processing agreement (DPA) with our clients that forms part of our standard contracts and agreements. The GDPR does not require us to have a data protection officer (DPO). Under POPIA, Mary-Anne Horn is our Information Officer (IO).

We secure the information we process and keep it confidential

We know how important confidentiality and privilege is to you. We won’t disclose your confidential information. We take adequate and appropriate measures to secure all the information we process. Some of the information we process is confidential or commercially sensitive. As a software development company that focusses on data analysis, confidentiality and the protection of intellectual property are issues that are taken very seriously. Our security policy sets out how we safeguard our website and your personal information. We are happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with you, even though our agreements include that we keep your information confidential.

Access to information ensures accountability and transparency

We also respect that the law (like PAIA) requires us to give certain people access to information in certain circumstances. You can request access to information we hold by emailing us. Mary-Anne Horn is also our Information Officer for the purposes of PAIA.


PAIA Forms:

  • Form 02: Request for Access to Record [Regulation 7]- Public & Private Bodies.
  • Form 03: Outcome of request and of fees payable [Regulation 8]- Public & Private Bodies

We’re anti-bribery and corruption

We recognise that all organisations have a responsibility to be ethical in their business practices and not engage in any activities that harm society. We have an Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy setting out our policy on this important issue.

Managing both your and our risk

We continually strive to manage both our risks and the risks of our clients. For example, we have both public liability and professional indemnity insurance.

We take compliance seriously

We are committed to complying with all laws, rules, codes and standards that apply to Umbani Software. We take our responsibility to comply seriously.


If you have any queries, please don't
hesitate to contact us